
This Awesome Asian-Fantasy Sekiro-Like Metroidvania Is Ultimately Coming To Consoles

.Red Candle light Video games has actually validated that its own Sekiro-inspired metroidvania, Nine Sols, are going to be actually launching on PlayStation, Shift, and also Xbox on November 26. The center launched a new trailer, and also the video game is validated to be pertaining to Activity Hand down release time too.Nine Sols adheres to Yi, a hero who targets to crush the nine Sols, dictatorial rulers in the arena of New Kunlun. The developers have actually called the looks of 9 Sols as "Taopunk," which integrates futuristic cyberpunk components along with eastern fantasy and mythology. While the game features difficult parrying mechanics, there are options to customize damages dealt as well as damage got, creating it so much more friendly as well as less discouraging than the game it's inspired through.

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